3 advantages of using WMS
Do your current work more efficiently. And you can make business decisions from real-time data. If you improve your business flow, you will be trusted by your customers.
Merit - Can know the inventory in real time
The inventory status is automatically updated on the system from the scan data at the time of Receiving/Put-Away, etc..
Merit - Work time speeds up
One of the most time-consuming tasks in the warehouse is searching for things when picking, “Where they are?“. If you use WMS, you can pick while checking the location.
high development cost
System development is unique. Therefore, the development cost is higher than the package system.
There is a risk that the problem will be systematically unresolved.
Because the system has been developed according to the requirements. If there is no responsible person can assign.
WMS - Package System Features and Benefits
“Package System (finished software)” is software that has already been written. Packaged software will provide ease of use. where users do not need to have much computer knowledge just learn how to use it
lead to improvement and development of your business
The functions required for warehouse management have been standardized and designed for efficient use by many companies. business can be changed according to System will also lead to business improvements.
cheap price
Because the software has already been developed. So there is no cost for new developments. The installation cost is reduced.
may not match the current working current
Most of the business models run by many companies are standard functionality. but if there is and business-specific_rules. Existing package system company may not fit for your business
difficult to adjust
Developed software packages are often difficult to customize for your company. (depending on the seller)
As the number of users increases, the license value increases.
Packaged software usually has a user license fee. If many users cost on will go up.
Merit and Demerit of using a Warehouse Management System
Choosing WMS - Development Method : Package System x Scratch System
Warehouse Management System (WMS ) – Type / Features / Choice
Warehouse Management System (WMS) Types and Features
Rubix developed by CSI will fulfill your needs.
For more information about the WMS system
Warehouse Management System (WMS) - Merit & Demerit
Do you want to use "Warehouse Management System (WMS)"? Even now, many companies still manage their warehouses using paper and manuals. However, there are benefits to using WMS. You can expect cost-effectiveness such as efficiency improvement and cost reduction. But on the other hand, you should also consider about such as the risk of failure and running costs.
Based on our many experience in developing and implementation WMS, we’ll tell the merit and demerit of WMS implementation.
Choosing WMS – Cost : Purchasing (To Buy) x Subscription
WMS - Features and Benefits of Purchasing (To Buy) Model
“Purchase Model“ You have to pay for the software when you purchase it.
The longer it takes, the lower the cost.
You can continue using the system as a one-time payment. Therefore, if it is used for a long time, it will be cheaper. In addition, the purchased WMS will become
easy to customize
For purchase type, you can develop custom scratches and customize them for special business themes. (depending on the seller)
high initial cost
You pay for the software only once upon installation. In other words, you pay everything with initial cost
There are cases when operating system updates are not supported.
If the manufacturer's support is terminated, the WMS system may not support OS updates, etc., and you may not be able to continue using it. Maintenance check recommended. / User Support System Update carefully produced.
Let’s think about before choosing a WMS
WMS – Features and Benefits of the On-Premiss System
"On-Premiss" means installation. Manage servers and create an in-house network.
high safety standards
You can create and customize freely according to your company's security policy. Therefore, a system can be created security.
Easy to reduce operating costs
Compared to the cloud that pays monthly usage fees. Most of the operating costs are maintenance costs. on-premises, server, etc. is therefore considered
high initial cost
High initial costs, such as buying a new server or equipping security software
Managing and maintaining servers is difficult.
It is also necessary to perform internal maintenance such as checking the normal operation of the server and responding to recovery in case of failure. In addition, in the event of a disaster Ex: Flooding, internal actions would be high risk
WMS - Cloud Features and Benefits
"Cloud" is the use of an external server provided by the network vendor.
No management /maintenance required
Servers are managed and maintained by cloud service vendors. Even companies without an IT department can get started easily.
high operating costs
There is a monthly cloud usage fee. Therefore, there are operating costs. The more data you have to manage. ราคาก็ยิ่งแพงขึ้น. and it's very expensive if you use in many or large warehouses.
If the network is bad, it will not work smoothly.
If the network environment is not good You may not be able to connect to the cloud. which if the network of Your company is slow, you may not be able to connect with WMS smoothly.
cheap initial cost
You can use it with WMS-based terminals (PCs, mobile devices, etc.) and the Internet. No need to buy a new server.
Difficult to customize freely
When you use a vendor-supplied server Therefore, it is difficult to create or customize as desired.
WMS - Subscription Model Features and Benefits
“Subscription Model“ is that you pay monthly/yearly when you use the software.
You pay for the duration and amount of use each time. The starting price is low and you can get started easily.
cheap initial cost
The subscription model is a service system, the more users, the more advantageous for manufacturers. so it is easy to get response smooth to update to benefits many users
Software updates go smoothly.
the longer it takes The higher the cost
The cost will be incurred depending on the usage period and the amount of use. Therefore, the cost will increase when used as for a long time or when used in multiple warehouses or larger
difficult to adjust
Because the subscription model software is easy to use. Assuming a large number of users, it would be difficult to respond to company-specific requests. and in most cases will not be able to adjust can be customized to suit the company
WMS Opt-Out – Support : Global x Local
WMS - System Features and Benefits for Global
The “Global System” is a system designed for use in Thailand and outside Thailand.
Can be used in many countries
As such requirements can change the language for each user. So it's easy to share information with outside Thailand. So it is Multi-Compatibility country
Functions required for import/export
Functions for import/export controls are installed as standard, and multiple support functions:
May not fit with Thai business style
In the case of systems developed outside Thailand May not be suitable for tax matters and specific business taxes of Thailand. and about readable in English
Support may be in English only.
In some cases, operation and maintenance support is only available in English. If the emergency assistance is in English and you have a problem in the language can support Thai language
WMS - System Features and Benefits for Thai Local
"System for Thai Local" is a WMS developed for use in Thailand only.
It is a function suitable for Thai taxes and customs. It will be easier to connect to the Thai accounting system.
Suitable for Thai business style
In addition to being able to support operations in Thai language It's also easy to create a system that lets you continue using it with peace of mind. initial support
Get support for operations in Thailand
Difficult to share information outside Thailand
If the screen / report is in Thai only It would be difficult to share information with businesses outside the country.
Difficult to manage global transactions
Without multi-currency functionality, WMS systems alone may not be able to transact globally. More Excel operations may be required. etc.
developed by CSI will fulfill your needs.
As you can see, the "WMS" system has many types and characteristics. The key to choosing a WMS is determining which WMS will be the best value for your business in the future.
CSI Developing systems in Thailand and ASEAN for more than 30 years, offers warehouse management system rubix which over the years has been upgraded to meet customer requests. It is a solution that combines the features and benefits of different types of WMS.
“rubix” is a customizable package system. The server can be used with On-Premises or Cloud. You can pay Purchasing or subscribe. It can also be used globally or locally in Thailand.
For more information about the WMS system
The CSI, who has extensive experience in developing and implementing WMS, will tell you the key aspects of WMS implementation.
Successful, you will understand WMS better and will add value to your business!
The key to success in choosing a WMS system
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