CSI showcased its warehouse management system “rubix” and ERP Framework “Flex” system at the “Asia Warehousing Show 2018”.

Event information: “Asia Warehousing Show 2018”

When: 7 (Wed) – 9 (Fri) March 2018
Location : BITEC(Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center) / Hall 100, Booth C5
Event website : http://asiawarehousingshow.com
recommended solutions
rubix warehouse management system

Please click the link below for details about the solution.
>> Introduction about the warehouse management system “rubix”
ERP Framework FLEX Solution

Please click the link below for details about the solution.
>> Introduction about ERP Framework “FLEX” (English)
◆ It is an event with the main target group being Thai people. which has attracted a lot of visitors to the event
◆ On the day of the event, solutions were introduced using large monitors and brochures were distributed along with product descriptions by the person in charge of the “rubix” and “FLEX” systems.
Photo of the day of the event “Asia Warehousing Show 2018”

Thank you
As this event is dedicated to the "Warehouse", there is a large number of attendees who are interested in the improvement of warehouse work.
Warehouse Management System (WMS) “rubix” and ERP Framework “Flex” system are systems that, in addition to helping to solve warehouse problems. It can also help support workflow improvements. Those interested in these solutions can contact us for more information.
On this occasion, I would like to thank everyone for their interest in visiting our booth on the event day.