Interview with an intern from the IoT team : Interning with CSI gets more than you think.

Interviews with interns and co-op students at CSI Company. This time we interviewed the IoT team with a total of 3 interns.
Q1 Let's start by introducing ourselves. Which is your name? Where do you pursue your studies? Which faculty?
Q2 Which department do you work in? What are your responsibilities?
Is in the IAT department, working on IoT, which is an abbreviation for Internet of things, responsible for Mobile Application and Web application. It is responsible for managing production data from the factory.
Q3 Why were you aware of CSI and interested in working there as an intern?
N’Boss : As for me and Korn The teacher recommended it.
N’Jik : As for me, at the university there will be an engineer career day event where the CSI Engineering Faculty will set up a booth there. I talked with my brother. They said that there are seniors who come to intern every year. So I'm interested in coming to intern.
Q4 What knowledge do they impart, and what abilities have you acquired?
N’Boss: Most of them have one piece of work for them. and try to carry out the work yourself. If while working you stumble somewhere or have a problem. You can talk to him and ask him at any time.
N’korn : The skills I have developed are programming in C#, using the .Net framework, working as a team, using Git.
Q5 Things that impressed me in CSI
N’Boss : Regarding journeying. Because there is a train station in front of the business, it is quite convenient. Every staff is really amiable.
N’Korn : The welfare problem impressed me. Snacks were available for consumption, and massage appointments could be made. There is a really kind senior intern. You can ask me anything at any time.
N’Jik : There is flexibility in working hours. There's no official start and end time for work. You can work from home and avoid having to leave the house every day.
Q6 3 words for CSI
N’Boss : Friendly.
N’Korn : P'Jadee
N’Jik : Work Form Home (WFH)
Q7 What advice would you give to people interested in interning with CSI?
N’Boss : In the work experience section Here we are ready to do everything. If anyone wants to gain work experience This is a good introduction.
N’korn : For anyone who likes to work in a hybrid way, without having to work at the company every day. As long as you have the responsibility to submit work on time, CSI is a good choice.
N’Jik : Anyone who wants to work with CSI, whether it's an internship or a co-op. You can go to the CSI Website to see CSI's services and products. Including various positions as well
Q8 Message from CSI
We appreciate your interest in working as a CSI intern.
We hire and teach talented IT engineers, and we are currently accepting internship applications.
An internship will provide interns with practical work experience that they cannot learn in a classroom.
Please get in touch with us. If you're interested in working with us as an intern.
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