Win the BBO Innovation Award! From The Big Blue Ocean project
Ready to make a Change with "The Big Blue Ocean" ?
The Big Blue Ocean is a 12-week Digital Transformation course that prepares digital leaders through learning, concepts, strategies and hands-on experience. from leading national experts by Bangkok Bank Focus on helping entrepreneurs adapt to the digital age. In which the trainees will learn from the direct experiences of national executives and apply their knowledge to real life through workshops with
classmates including visiting leading technology companies and the innovation district for study visits and apply the concept back to the organization
Credit by : Bangkok Bank https://bigblueocean.co/course/digital-transformation >>
Sukij Akkakijkosonl DX DIVISION DIRECTOR joins the project this time. and jointly presented a project on
Digital Transformation/Innovation under the name of the project "B-COACH Partners of your success" as a platform.
business matching between retired senior citizens and young business people with little experience Need advice and advice from a group of experienced people This project was so successful that Khun Sukit and his team received the BBO Innovation Award from the committee as follows:
1. Mr. Posakrishna Thiraphat Founder UTCHOLDING COMPANY LIMITED and Co-Founder WISESIGHT (THAILAND) CO.,LTD
2. Mr. Krit Phanratanamala Managing Director, Bualuang Ventures Company Limited
3. Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool Executive Vice President Bangkok Bank
We would like to congratulate Mr. Sukij Akkakijkoson, DX DIVISION DIRECTOR : CSI GROUP and team
CSI, which supports Digital Transformation In Thailand for more than 30 years, we are a company that compares itself to a glass of water that is not full. Always strive to develop the organization and employees. ready to aim for business success of our family, and as a Digital Transformation Partner for our customers, CSI is ready to continue your close support.