AWS CLOUD DAY – Beyond Manufacturing Transformation with Manufacturing Intelligence & IIoT Platform (Pattaya 20 Aug. / Bangkok 21 Aug 2019)

about the event
We would like to invite you to attend a seminar on the topic of "AWS Cloud Day 2019" to discover technologies that will transform your organization to be more efficient and modern. With the cloud from Amazon Web Service with solutions from experienced partners. ready to give advice to all participants
In the event you will find
– Innovative, powerful tools from Amazon Web Service to advance your organization.
– Cloud and innovation to improve your business today.
– Practical examples for Cloud systems, mobile app websites Backup & Disaster Recovery
– SAP vs AWS , IoT vs AWS
– and meet with AWS business partners to recommend solutions that are useful to those who are interested
Pattaya 20 Aug 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at Hilton Pattaya from 9:00-16:00
Bangkok 21 Aug 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at Avani Sukhumvit Hotel from 9:00-16:00
The cost of attending the seminar
free no charge
Outline of the Seminar – CSI GROUP
Beyond Manufacturing Transformation with Manufacturing Intelligence & IIoT Platform
<Lecturer> Mr. Rungroj Srirattanaroj, Managing Director, CSI Group
What is MI (Manufacturing Intelliginece)?

Inquire about the seminar
Sponsors / contact person : CSI (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

TEL : 099-045-9915 (Mr. Jakkawal)