The Covid crisis has caused Remote work / Work From Home to expand rapidly in Thailand. There are many issues that are still vulnerabilities in the work.
For example, you want to work from home safely without any risk of data leaks. and would like to know the employee's situation, job content and working hours These problems JP1 can help you!
“JP1” is a system process management software. Simple to install and easy to use, what “JP1” can do to reduce the risk of data leaks.
- Maintain or enhance security
- Keep log legally
- Maintenance via Remote System
- Quickly deal with problems and inquiries from remote areas
- Eliminate unauthorized computers or pirated software.
- Avoid the security risks of using personal computers. And can also keep a history and track each work of the employee's computer. It is neutral from the power supply data and machine logs. For example:
- Time to turn on the power of the remote terminal
- login time
- PC operation log
- shutdown time of remote terminal
- Logout time
- End of PC operation
- Monitor and visualize the PC usage status from the remote terminal's logs, allowing you to check how long a task takes.
Here, you can Remote work / Work From Home comfortably and safely.